In North Dakota, conflict has characterized the last several months. A company called Dakota Access wants to build an oil pipeline across Native lands, and have desecrated Native landmarks to do so. The Standing Rock Sioux tribe now find themselves backed by some new supporters: The Justice League cast.
Jason Momoa first kicked off the wave of support with his Twitter picture in April. Then, Ray Fisher and Ezra Miller spoke out for #RezpectOurWater in May.
Just this morning, September 6th, the whole league (sans Henry Cavill) came together for a video, shown below:
I can’t overstate how big something like this is. While MCU actors like Mark Ruffalo have spoken out on issues like fracking and oil pipelines, it’s something else entirely for the Justice League itself to make this kind of statement. Imagine the Avengers en masse speaking out about the water situation in Flint Michigan, and you’ll come close to it.
Additionally, kudos to the Justice League cast for the tone of these videos. In them, they use their reach to publicize work done by Native activists. By focusing on connecting audiences to the Standing Rock Sioux doing the boots-on-the-ground work, the cast centers this as a Native issue, not just an environmental one.
If you’re interested in learning more about the Standing Rock Sioux and their fight against Dakota Access, follow these links.
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