SUICIDE SQUAD officially rated PG-13
Following the success of Deadpool, rumours began circulating that other films would be aiming to capitalise on the same audience that seemingly longed for a R-rated comic book film. In the months...
View ArticleREVIEW: Batman ’66 Meets Steed and Mrs. Peel #1 – Holy Avengers, Batman!!
Looking at Batman ’66 Meets Steed and Mrs. Peel #1, you can’t help noticing how much times have changed. There was a time when if you said “The Avengers”, people were far more likely to recall a...
View ArticleSUPERGIRL finds its Superman in Tyler Hoechlin
It has previously been reported that the second season of Supergirl will see Clark Kent visiting his cousin Kara in National City. While there was a fan petition to get Tom Welling to repeat his role...
View ArticleREVIEW: Detective Comics #935
One of the positives that’s apparent both in Detective Comics #935 and in the main Bat-titles as a whole post-Rebirth is a refreshing unity of purpose. Both “Detective Comics” and “Batman” seem to be...
View ArticleREVIEW: Action Comics # 958
Action Comics #958 reinforces my long held assertion that the character of Doomsday is the comics embodiment of the law of diminishing returns. The character first appeared as the architect of...
View ArticleMIDNIGHTER & APOLLO Limited Series Coming from DC in October
LGBT representation in comics is a hot topic these days, and DC is throwing their hat into the ring with a new Midnighter & Apollo miniseries from Steve Orlando and Fernardo Blanco this fall....
View ArticleREVIEW: DC Super Hero Girls: Finals Crisis
Writer: Shea FontanaArt: Yancey LabatColors: Monica KubinaLettering: Janice Chiang The first few pages of DC Superhero Girls: Finals Crisis are dedicated to a roll call introducing our main characters,...
View ArticleSUICIDE SQUAD opens to August record amid mixed reception
Over the weekend, Warner Brothers released their latest DC film in theaters, Suicide Squad. It opened in 4255 theaters to the tune of 135 million dollars. With this haul, the film broke the previous...
View ArticleREVIEW: All-Star Batman #1 – The Dark Knight Out of His Element, and Under...
All-Star Batman #1 comes with a lot of baggage. First, it’s written by Scott Snyder, who just completed a five-year run on the main Batman title which could be best described as seminal and may...
View ArticleREVIEW: Supergirl – Rebirth #1 – A Steady Launch for the Girl of Steel
I went into Supergirl – Rebirth #1 about as much of a newbie as you can get. I haven’t really read the character in years, only briefly checked into her New 52 version via crossovers and team-ups, and...
View ArticleREVIEW: Blue Beetle – Rebirth #1 – Meet the Beetles, Again
Blue Beetle – Rebirth #1 accomplishes a major objective really well. For some readers, Jaime Reyes is the definitive Blue Beetle, the one they want to read. And for others, Ted Kord will always be the...
View ArticleREVIEW: Deathstroke #1 – Mad, Bad and Dangerous to Know
After a stunningly successful Rebirth one-shot, writer Christopher Priest hits the ground running with Deathstroke #1, a complicated and ruthless thriller that provides strong proof for how compelling...
View ArticleBen Affleck Tweets Deathstroke Video; DCEU Fandom Explodes
Earlier today, Ben Affleck tweeted a video depicting what appears to be a live action version of the villain Deathstroke while filming either Justice League or the as-yet-untitled Batman solo flick....
View ArticleREVIEW: Gotham Academy Annual #1 – A Fun Mix of Scooby Doo, Batman and Harry...
One of the best surprises to come out of the New 52 was “Gotham Academy”, the fun YA-oriented series taking place at a prestigious Gotham City boarding school with ties to the city’s most famous...
View ArticleI Hit a Wall: Why the DCEU Villains of 2016 are the Best in the Genre
They say that a hero is only as good as the villain they oppose. As such, it’s to the credit of the DCEU that it puts heroes like Batman and Superman up against villains like Amanda Waller and Lex...
View ArticleDISCOURSE DISH: Margot Kidder Slams DCEU Lois
Welcome all to the first weekly addition of Discourse Dish, where I unpack current sources of controversy in superhero media and fandom. This week: Margot Kidder, famously Lois Lane in the Donner...
View ArticleBatman Needs a Robin, and the DCEU Needs Ryan Potter
Ryan Potter took to Twitter yesterday to express interest in playing a Tim Drake Robin. First, he tweeted: “Tim Drake has a nice ring to it.” (source) Then, a bit later, he went so far as to address...
View ArticleREVIEW: Cyborg: Rebirth #1 – Part Reboot, Part Retread, All Too Familiar
I don’t envy the creative team on Cyborg: Rebirth #1. The issue suffers from some of the worst problems that have dogged this line of one-shots. The Rebirth books have sometimes been overwhelmed by...
View ArticleJustice League Cast Supports Pipeline Protestors
In North Dakota, conflict has characterized the last several months. A company called Dakota Access wants to build an oil pipeline across Native lands, and have desecrated Native landmarks to do so....
View ArticleBACK ISSUES: Super-Weird Superman
Welcome to another edition of “Back Issues”, the weekly column where each week I examine a character, concept or theme making waves in comics today through issues from the past. Sometimes the column’s...
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